
The Radiology Department has 2 main tasks;

  1. Education
  2. Patient Service

Education can be divided into 2 main parts;

  1. Radiology Resident Education
  2.  Medical Student Education

At present, 13 residents are being trained. Resident education is conducted with the suggested principles of Turkish Radiology Accreditation Council.

The basic rotations of our residents are as ;

Neuroradiology, Abdominal Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Thorax radiology, Ultrasound, Breast Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.

Morning dicussions are maintained throughout the Academic Year with all subspecifications covered and together with weekly clinical rounds and councils.

Medical students get the first basic principles of Radiology during Class 3. They have a 2 weeks of practical+theorethical interactive education during Class 5.

On the other side, the Radiology Service is very busy 24 hours a day with almost 1.000 daily patients. Every day, 350 ultrasound, 350 MRI, and 300 CT examination is being done, on avarage. 2 CT, 2 MRI and 12 US machines, together with many digital radiography, and one mamography and one angiography unit are working in the Department.

In the Interventional Radiology Department, US and CT-guided biopsies or drainages, as well as ablations are performed. Vascular diagnostic and interventional service is also very busy. Totally, 10-15 patients/day are served in this unit.

As of June 2019, 3 academic staff, 12 radiologists and 13 residents are currently working full-time.