13 Eylül 2019

stanbul Medeniyet University Dermatology and Venereology Department affiliated with Ministry of Health Goztepe Training and Research hospital.

Since its establishment in 1982 as Goztepe Training and Research Hospital, it has been giving Dermatology specialty training and also providing diagnosis and treatment services to patients as a reference center in the field of skin diseases.

Mission and Vision:

Istanbul Medeniyet University Dermatology and Venereology Department is aimed to be trustworthy, preferable, accessible and beneficial for its patient’s and community. Clinic of dermatology is intended to be a clinic where physicians can experience professional excitement, team spirit is shared, education and teaching are realized in mutual love and respect. In addition, it endeavors to have the infrastructure required by modern science, to have a continuously renewed and developing infrastructure and to mobilize all its facilities for its patients and employees' team.

In education “Learn while teaching” and in service “our patients should leave better than they came’’ ‘are our principle codes.

Education and Training:

Dermatology and rotational residents from other departments receive specialist training in the department, as well as medical students. Residents receive theoretical and practical training in accordance with the Core Curriculum for Residency in Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Medical Specialization Board, and medical students in accordance with the National Core Training Program.

Residency Program:

- Literature and seminar hours once a week with the participation of the entire clinic

- Round table case meeting and clinical patient visit once a week with the participation of the whole clinic

- Case council once a week with the participation of the entire clinic

- Interactive education hours for residents with mentors once a week

- Dermatopathology council meeting once a week with Department of Pathology

- Monthly thesis and clinical studies evaluation meeting with the participation of the whole clinic

- In our clinic, residents are attend in international and national meetings with scientific oral and poster presentations and encouraged to foreign country rotations.

School Of Medicine:

Clinical lessons and practice of clinical skills are performed in 3-week rotations with 5th grade medical students. The purposes of Dermatology internship are train medical students for diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases easily at primary care. Addition to the National Core Training Program, interactive case trainings and diagnosis with clinical scenarios, differential diagnosis and treatment lessons are given in this rotations.

Clinical Units

Inpatient Clinic

We care urgent and chronic patients in our patient board with capacity of 8 patient. Also we provide consultations for other departments and emergency service’s patients.

Outpatient clinic

Outpatient diagnosis and treatment services are provided by our academic member, instructor and specialist physicians in Merdivenköy Outpatient clinic.

In outpatient clinic, we have 6 rooms for ambulatory care services and also have dermatoscopy, ambulatory surgical procedures (biopsy, electrocautery, cryotherapy, chemical peeling) and Allergy units. We also use local operation unit for dermatosurgery operations twice in a week.

In our department, we have Psoriasis, Phototherapy, Behçet’s disease, Bullous Diseases, Acne, Pediatric’s dermatology, Allergic diseases, vasculitis and dermatoscopy subspecialty units for certain days.


1) Phototherapy Unit:

There is a comprehensive phototherapy unit in our hospital and narrow band UVB, PUVA, local PUVA and UVA1 treatments are available.

2) Allergy Tests

Our experienced team performs patch test, prick test, autologous serum test and auto-vaccination applications.

3) Dermatooncology-Nevus Follow-up Unit:

Manual hand dermatoscopes are available in every policlinic room. In addition, all body nevus maps of patients are recorded and recorded by our computerized dermatoscopy device.

4)Dermatologic Surgery

On certain days of the week, malignant and benign skin tumors indicated by dermatologists are excised in the operating room. Skin lesions are repaired by graft or flap methods besides primary closure. Nail extraction biopsy and nail lesions are treated surgically.
In addition, many diseases such as warts, senile nevuses and skin tags are treated with electrocautery and cryotherapy in our polyclinic, skin biopsies are taken from benign and malignant lesions of the skin, and chemical peeling treatment and cosmetic procedures are applied to selected patients for acne and spot treatments.