To be a leading healthcare institution that follows scientific and technological developments without compromising ethical principles in all healthcare services we provide; focuses on patient, patient relative and employee satisfaction; trains competent healthcare personnel in the field and continuously improves itself; and has a service approach at international quality standards.
To maintain our reputation in the health sector by continuously improving the qualified education, research and health services we provide with our medical staff and competent employees who give importance to academic values and to become a leading hospital worldwide focused on excellence.

· Patient and employee safety is our priority.
· Effective, quality patient care and treatment is our goal.
· We continue all our practices within the framework of ethical values; respect, scientificness, innovation and continuous improvement understanding.
· We question ourselves with a system that can be measured and evaluated.
· We create professional development and continuous education opportunities for our employees.
· It is our social responsibility to be reliable and transparent in the education and health services we provide and to ensure continuity.
· Our goal is to be an institution preferred internationally in research, education and health services.