Goztepe Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Clinic is affliated with Istanbul Medeniyet University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, on the basis of the protocol signed between Istanbul Medeniyet University and Governorship of Istanbul. Childrens’ Hospital is a five-storey building in the area of Goztepe Training and Research Hospital and training for pediatricsresidency has been provided since 1982. Besides pediatrics residency, fellowship programmes for subspecialties including Pediatric Endocrinology, Neonatology, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Pediatric Nephrology and Pediatric Pulmonology are also provided.
Each year a comprehensive educational programme is followed at Department of Pediatrics. Seminars are given by the experts, outstanding cases and original studies are discussed three times a week. Morning meetings are performed each morning, discussing the patients who were seen the previous night. Scientific meetings are organized with the participation of experts on different areas of medicine from other universities for healthcare providers once a week. On certain days, multidisciplinary meetings for clinical case discussions are organized with the participation of specialists from other departments.
Divisions and units;
- General Pediatric Inpatient Units
- Pediatric Subspecialty Inpatient Units (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Cardiyology, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)
Diagnosis, treatment and a carefull follow-up of inpatients are provided with a total of 49 beds for general pediatrics and 84 beds for subspecialties in inpatient clinical units of Department of Pediatrics. Patients with different types of diseases are treated and diagnostic tests are performed in Pediatric Endocrinology (Diabetes Mellitus, hormonal deficiencies, growth disorders), Pediatric Hematology-Oncology (different types of anemias, coagulation disorders, leukemia, lymphoma and other solidt umors), Pediatric Nephrology (kidney and urologic system disorders, management and follow-up of patients with peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis, kidney biopsy), Pediatric Cardiology (congenital cardiac defects, arrythmias, childhood echocardiography and fetal echocardiography), Pediatric Neurology (convulsion disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, muscular diseases, electroencephalography), Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (treatment of acute moderate to severe asthma exacerbations, intravenous immunoglobulin treatment for primary immunodeficiencies, application of skin tests for drug hypersensitivity, drug and food challenge tests), Pediatric Pulmonology (Pneumonia, Cystic fibrosis – acute exacerbation, other congenital pulmonary disorders, tuberculosis, follow-up of patients for bronchoscopy), Pediatric Gastroentereology (application of liver biopsy, endoscopy, rectoscopy and duodenoscopy) wards.
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
In neonatal intensive care unit and Neonatal inpatient clinics, thereare 14, 15 and 6 beds for third, second and first level patients respectively for a total of 35 newborns. Not only medical treatment is given to the newborn patients but also multiple interventional medical applications are performed if needed including parenteral nutrition, mechanical ventilator treatment, incubator care and monitorization, bed-side echocardiography and ultrasonography, phototheraphy, bed-side blood exchange, peritoneal dialysis, hemodiafiltration, nitric oxide treatment, hypothermia treatment, aEEG monitorization, NIRS monitorization, bedside management andfollow-up of retinopathy of prematurity.
Pediatric Emergency Unit has been serving as a tertiary emergency care unit since 2012 and a total of nearly 90000 patients are seen annually. In our Emergency unit a five step triage system is performed, up to 11 patients can be monitorized in the emergency service observation unit, There are 2 separated beds for patients who need isolation. There is a separate resuscitation unit with appropriate equipments and monitors where monitorization, endotracheal intubation, transport ventilator treatment, defibrillation/cardioversion, intraosseous hydration and drug treatments can be managed for critically ill infants, children and adolescents.
Outpatient Clinics
Outpatient clinicals were rebuilt in 2012. There are 15 outpatient clinics for general pediatrics and multiple other outpatient clinics for subspecialties including Neonatology, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric HematologyOncology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases. There is a Child Development Specialist, dietitician and a psychologist working in the same building and serving for children.